Help WEST Wildlife

We can't do what WE do without YOU!

Volunteer with us!

Volunteer with us!

Volunteer  Opportunities

Wheather it be helping transport animals, helping with phone lines, social media or fundraising there are lots of opportunities for you to help wildife. Volunteers are so important to us because they help us to achieve our mission. Want to be hands on in caring for orphan wildlife? Subpermitee opportunities available for qualified individuals.

We have lots of ways you can help!
Email us!

Make a Donation

Make a Donation

Click here to donate via PayPal.

Your donation goes directly toward the care of our orphaned and injured animals, for things like formula, commercial foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, vet visits, medications, caging and other supplies. Any donation is greatly appreciated.
Our Amazon Wishlist

Our Amazon Wishlist

Click here for our Amazon wishlist.

We often critically need food and equipment, especially for newborns. You can use this link to donate items directly! All donations are greatly appreciated.

Kroger Rewards

Did you know WEST is a member of the Kroger Community Rewards program? Click here to sign up and add WEST WILDLIFE REHAB as your local non-profit to recieve a 5% donation for every purchase you make. Click account and community rewards then search for WEST WILDLIFE REHAB to attach us to your Kroger Plus card. 

Sign up

Contact us between 9am and 8pm.

(513) 201-5683
