
Red foxes give birth in February and March.

Both parents raise the young, and sometimes the extended family members help as well, so if something happens to mom or dad, babies will often be fostered by older siblings or aunts and uncles.

If you find ANY foxes please DO NOT FEED THEM. Contact Us at (513) 201-5683 .


The majority of fox calls WEST receives involve animals affected by mange. 

Mange is a highly contagious condition caused by mites that burrow into the skin and cause severe itching, which leads to inflammation, sores, fur loss, and crusting of dead skin. 

Foxes with advanced mange suffer from dehydration, starvation, heavy parasite loads, and secondary infections and need intensive care. 

Although mange is easily cured, treatment of severely sick animals takes months. 

If you see a mangey fox and want to help, WEST is here to advise and assist you in trapping the animal to get it into care.
The fox pictured above is badly afflicted with mange.

Contact us between 9am and 8pm.

(513) 201-5683
